Event finished. This event was in the past: 12:00am on Wednesday, September 04, 2024
The Elk Grove Village Public Library Youth Services Department is thrilled to announce our NEW youth literary magazine, Elk Grove Echoes. Submissions will be accepted through October 13.
The EGVPL Youth department is thrilled to announce a call for writing submissions to our NEW youth literary magazine, Elk Grove Echoes. This is an exciting opportunity for young writers to experience the writing process and get their work published! The theme of this first issue is “Change”; in life, in nature, in school, and beyond. Submissions can be any genre of writing under 500 words as long as it adheres to the topic. We are also accepting artwork for the magazine; however, artwork must be accompanied by a 150-word length paragraph about the topic of “Change” and the art piece. The works can be in any language, as long as an English translation is also supplied. All submissions must be school-appropriate (G-rated). Submissions will be accepted from Sunday, September 1 to Sunday, October 13. The first issue will come out in late November. To submit pieces and/or for more information, contact Olivia Zimmerman at ozimmerman@egvpl.org.